Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Food Plan

I have decided to go with a high protein diet. Protein plays a crucial role in the growth and repair of everything from skin to hair to nails and of course muscles. During any kind of weightlifting or strength training workout, your muscles are basically being broken down with the intent being to build them back up and protein plays an essential role in that. Without a high protein diet, muscle growth & muscle maintenance & workout recovery will just not be happening as effectively as it could.

Some of my Favorite Breakfast:

Flaxseed Crepes (click here for recipe)
Hard Boiled egg sandwich (click here for recipe)

Some of my Favorite Lunches:

Tortellini Rose 
Soybean spinach salad with a Honey balsamic grilled salmon.

Breaded salmon /w garden salad
Some of my Favorite Suppers:

Curry chicken mashed potatoes and mango salad
Steak, garden salad /w corn on a Cobb

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