Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A letter to the one I thought I loved...

I had a conversation with one of my besties the other day and spontaneously wrote this and felt like sharing. Feel free to comment!.

This is a letter to the one I thought I loved. You weren't the one !!!
I found a man, a real one.

Someone who will stand by us with the strength of God. A man who loves us, God bless his beautiful heart, and a man that will protect us with the wrath of God, beware of sleeping dogs.

A man that comes home to us every night, after a long day at work, wanting nothing more then welcome home kiss from us. A father to our child. Someone my son can look up too and say Daddy and know that he will always come running.

A man of principle who's got his priorities straight. A man who knows what he wants, who he is and who he strives to be.My man says: thank you after every meal, I love you to make sure I never forget and makes love to me like its our last day on earth every single time.

To all my single and looking ladies, don't ever settle for less. Know you're worth and know that you are worth it!!!
Love yourself and more importantly respect yourself. Please choose to be alone rather then be in bad company.

Now to all my ladies that are lucky enough to have such a man in their lives already, please don't take him for granted. Love him like their is no tomorrow, make him king because he has made you his queen. Let your love for each other rule your worlds and let no one take that sacred bond apart.

I love you Marc-André Louis-Jacques and thank you for being the one!!!!

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