Monday, August 20, 2012

Baby Weight: My Fitness and Health Journey

me in 2008
Pregnancy is such a special stage in a women's life.
You spend 40 weeks (in my case 41 week and 1/2) eating healthy, resting, nesting, anticipating and yes gaining weight. 
Me, 1 week before giving birth
In my case, I gained just about 45 pounds and could not wait to work it off. 
Since I had a c-section (I tried hopelessly to have my baby naturally but my body never responded but that's another story), I had to wait 6 weeks before doing anything.

I did lose a good 30 pounds during that time just by breastfeeding and as for the last 15 pounds, I manage to lose it by going to yoga and fitness classes. 

Me 2 months after giving birth
Yup I lost all the baby weight! 
Yet somehow it does not feel like its enough. 
Taking those classes showed me how weak my body truly was. 
 My body doesn't feel the same and truthfully I don't feel healthy at all. 
The things I use to be able to do before I got pregnant were no longer possible. 
I feel weak, I lost a lot of my flexibility, my muscle tone. I am just not satisfied with me as a whole.

Now I aiming much higher: flexibility, strength, serious muscle definition and health. 
Can't just look good must feel good too!
So here is my challenge:
I am going to give myself until Christmas to get my body on point. 
I will post my progress as I go along and share some of my workout routines, diet plan and any other measures I take On 
my Fitness and Health Journey. 

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