Thursday, August 16, 2012

Let me Introduce myself

Me, myself and I
Hi everyone let me introduce myself my name is Dania Rose.
I am a 31 year old brand new mother of a beautiful little boy with a new perspective on life. Since giving birth everything changed: I can't even remember what I could have possibly been doing that was more significant then caring for my son. He's my everything. 
Beyond wanting to be a good mother I want him to become a great human being.But what makes a great human being? Well there isn't a generic answer to that question and we can debate about it all day but I do believe that we can all agree that it starts at the roots. 
So one morning it hits me (this is what Oprah calls an "aha moment !"): 

It starts with me! 

I am a true believer that the real values of life are taught by example and not just by preaching it. So that being said I have decided to change a few things in my life.Starting from the ends of my hair going by every single one of my muscles, passing by my mind, heart and soul. This blog is about the journey of a young mother wanting to feel better, look better and just plain be better.

                                      Hope you enjoy the ride!

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