Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Workout Routine

Here is my new workout routine. It is important for me to mention that this routine is tailored for me. A lot of these exercises are meant to not only tone but to increase balance and strength which are my weakest points. Before you try any workout routine you always consult a doctor.  

Monday: Cardio + Upper body Toning
• 5 minute Warm up on Elliptical trainer
• 20 minute on Elliptical trainer
• 5 minute Cool down on Elliptical trainer
• 3 sets of 10 Lat pull downs
• 3 sets of 10 Incline Dumbbell press
• 3 sets of 10 Triceps kickbacks on bench
• 3 sets of 10 Bicep curls on cable machine
• 3 sets of 10 Dumbbell lateral raises 
Tuesday: Off

Wednesday: Cardio + Core
• 5 minute warm up Elliptical trainer
• 20 minute on Elliptical trainer
• 5 minute Cool down on Elliptical trainer
• 3 sets of 15 Back extension
• 3 sets of 15 Bicycle crunches
• 3 sets of 15 Straight leg raises
Thursday: 30 minutes Elliptical trainer
Friday: Cardio + Lower Body

• 5 minute Warm up Elliptical trainer
• 20 minute Elliptical trainer
• 5 minute Cool down on Elliptical trainer
• 3 sets of 12 Stability one leg Squats
• 3 sets of 12 Barbell Side Lunge
• 3 sets of 12 leg kickbacks
• 3 sets of 12 Seated Calf raises

Saturday: 30 minutes Elliptical trainer
Sunday: Off

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