Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mind, Body and Soul

On the ledge of emotional break count yourself lucky if you got a friend that will care enough to stop whatever it is that they are doing just to talk you down. Sometimes your mind stays stuck on a image, replaying the same scene over and over again concentrating on the traumatic event never moving forward to its resolution. Sometimes you need to hear a couple of simple and honest words from someone that you love and more importantly respect, to snap out of it so that the grieving process can start.

When you think about it, we all grieve everyday and not only for those that have lost their lives but everything that isn't there anymore. Grieving is a natural process that allows to take the pain and sorrow of one situation and take it to the growth of a brand new happy and beautiful one. Take for instance the death of an elder and the birth of a baby. Grief if the transition between the two because there isn't one without the other even thought they live in opposite side of the spectrum.

Grief is processed by the mind and the mind is a very mysterious thing. It's the cornerstone of ones soul. Central station of ones personality. It is our knowledge, our judgement and ultimately our love. That's right our love. Contrary to popular believe, in my humble opinion and experience, we do not love with our hearts. 

Let me explain: 

The heart is vital but one dimensional. It's primary and only responsibility is to keep us alive. My heart, your heart, every one's heart has the same mandate: Keep the body alive. Needless to say the body is the host and can be used to show physical love. The heart does not feel, the heart does not grow, in fact, its life span becomes shorter and shorter with time. You're mind is unique. It evolves with time, it grows and becomes wiser and when it knows better it does better and it allows you to feel a rainbow of emotions.
Our heart is our life line it's not to be played with love or anything else. It's the most important organ we have and we need to protect it with everything we got.
"I love you with all my heart" is an expression not to be taken literally. I believe we love with all our mind, our body and our soul and they are all tree fueled by our heart.

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