Monday, November 5, 2012

My Fitness Progress: November 2012

It's been a month now since I started working out. A lot of people are asking me how much weight I lost so far. I haven't lost much... I am at 141.5 lbs. I do expect to lose a little bit more in the up coming few weeks but at one point I am expecting to gain weight due to muscle mass. 

I am sticking to my program and decided to add some basic exercises everyday that should make this whole process move along a little bit quicker. I got these exercises on female health motivation's Facebook page. Love her posts by the way she also as a great website it's a wealth of information that inspires motivates and educates! Check it out.

I am following my cousin in law's (Mr foundation CEO of Regiment bartendaz Canada) advice and putting in at least 15 mins a day. He keeps repeating "Less is best, Form follows Function, Movement is Medicine" and I think he is on to something there. Check out his YouTube channel. Here is one of my favorite videos.

Now as for my diet I am following the Paleo Diet.
I chose it because its one of the easiest diets to incorporate into my lifestyle and food preferences. I am not good at depriving myself of anything I love and I love to eat but I do believe in moderation. So I try to eat healthy and drink lots of water.

Here are some options on a Paleo diet:

Lean Meats

As you can see, the Paleo diet is free of grains, so your carbohydrates are coming strictly from vegetables and nuts. If you must include some bread and rice ( I am Haitian can't survive without rice lol!) like me once in a while, make sure you go with a 100% whole grain option if you can.

Again, my main goal is to increase strength, reducing fat therefore increasing muscle mass and increasing balance and flexibility. My weight and dress size isn't important to me at all. I have to admit that I feel great, I got more energy and I sleep so much better since I started this process, gotta love that!

This journey is a long one but one worth taking especially if I want to keep up with my boys. So I will keep you guys updated but so far so good!

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